Vol.2,No.1,2022-Table of Contents
- Analysis of the mass and deformation variation rates over time and their influence on long-term durability for specimens of porous material
- Sustainable Structures Vol.2,No.1,2022 DOI:10.54113/j.sust.2022.000014 Online published:2022-6-1
- Abstract In an environment subjected to continuous climatic evolution, the study of the long-term behavior of building materials subject to environmental aggressions becomes an extremely important factor in evaluating the sustainability of these materials over time. The damage due to the aggression of external agents does not only affect the surface of the building but can cause a loss of performance in the mechanical qualities of the material with the worsening of the safety conditions of the entire structure. The velocity of the damage evolution is an interesting item. Here the variation velocity of some parameters characterizing the porous materials subjected to aggressive actions is dealt with. Starting from standard material characterization tests, extending the test times, the rate of variation of the mass and the deformation induced by the absorption of saline solutions in the porous medium and the variation of these speeds over time were evaluated. Hypotheses are formulated on the influence that this speed on the degradation of the material in the short and long time. The results obtained show how long-term aggressive action can cause internal damage with a consequent critical increase in absorption, mass and deformation, phenomena that can induce even severe damage to structural elements.… More
- A review of tiny houses in North America: Market demand
- Sustainable Structures Vol.2,No.1,2022 DOI:10.54113/j.sust.2022.000012 Online published:2022-6-1
- Abstract The history, status quo, and prospect of tiny houses in North America were reviewed. The market demand for tiny houses in North America was analyzed according to the needs in various market segments, such as shelters for low-income and homeless people, recreational housing for vacationers, and the restoration and reconstruction after disasters. This study also discussed timber framed tiny housing communities for retirees, tourism companies offering timber framed tiny housing accommodation, and government-sponsored timber framed tiny housing projects for post-disaster reconstruction. Throughout years of promotion by tiny house enthusiasts, medium advocators, and construction practitioners, more and more people have come to realize the advantages of timber framed tiny houses, such as energy conservation, low carbon footprint, and sustainable development. In summary, the market for timber framed tiny house in North America is in a stage of rapid development, showing a bright future.… More
- An innovative digital workflow to design, build and manage bamboo structures
- Sustainable Structures Vol.2,No.1,2022 DOI:10.54113/j.sust.2022.000011 Online published:2022-6-1
- Abstract At current rates, the building industry is the major contributor to gas emissions and energy consumption in the world, placing unprecedented pressure to find alternative and sustainable construction materials, particularly in regions where urbanization and population growth are expected to rise. Coincidentally, bamboo culms are a sustainable and abundant resource with the potential to be used as a structural element in those regions, however, their organic nature and inherent incompatibility with modern design and construction procedures have hampered their formal utilization. This article presents the details of an innovative workflow based on the philosophy that the quality and reliability of bamboo structures can be computationally managed through the digitization of individual structural bamboo elements. The workflow relies on reverse-engineering processes that integrate and make bamboo culms compatible with modern data-management platforms such as Building Information Modelling. A case study based on a reconstruction project of bamboo houses in Lombok, Indonesia is presented to illustrate the proposed workflow. This work showed that digitization and management are not just to represent shapes and information regarding bamboo culms through computer software, but can also control the quality, sustainability, and structural behavior of a bamboo structure during its entire service life.… More
- “Bamboo: A Very Sustainable Construction Material” - 2021 International Online Seminar summary report
- Sustainable Structures Vol.2,No.1,2022 DOI:10.54113/j.sust.2022.000015 Online published:2022-6-1
- Abstract 2021 International Online Seminar - Bamboo: A Very Sustainable Construction Material was held in November 2021. This was led by INBAR and co-organised by other 16 national and international institutions. Nineteen senior experts from 10 countries delivered presentations and shared the latest research and development on bamboo construction to approximately 900 participants from 74 countries. The seminar called upon global architects, engineers and landscape designers to rethink time-tested traditional bamboo architectural forms and related technologies, and use innovative ideas to reshape the global built environment. This paper summarizes the findings of this Seminar, highlighting that while bamboo is growingly accepted as a construction material, considerable efforts are needed to promote bamboo as a mainstream material. The state-of-practice is summarized and means of moving the state-of-the-art forward are discussed. Architects and engineers using bamboo all over the world should work together to contribute to the basic work of bamboo architecture research, standardization and industry development.… More
- Mechanical behavior analysis of LEM-infilled cold-formed steel walls
- Sustainable Structures Vol.2,No.1,2022 DOI:10.54113/j.sust.2022.000013 Online published:2022-6-1
- Abstract The sustainable development of the engineering structures mainly depends on the environmental- friendly to structural components. This requires the development of sustainable and new materials and structures that would be a worthy alternative for the available. This paper proposed a novel type of cold-formed steel (CFS) shear wall which filling light EPS mortars (LEM) into the space of CFS framing. LEM-infilled CFS walls carry forward the merits of traditional CFS wall, for example lightweight, easy installation, superior earthquake resistance and efficient energy saving. Moreover, employing recycled desulfurization gypsum and EPS in the structural materials reduce environmental pollution. However, the behavior of LEM-infilled CFS wall is not fully explored yet, which results in the low understanding and application of the material around the world. Based on this background, a review of mechanical response tests will contribute to a better awareness. In this paper, three types of mechanical behaviours are discussed including axial compressive behaviour, out-of-plane flexural behaviour, and cyclic behaviour. The previous researches on the mechanical performance of LEM-infilled CFS walls were reviewed. And the typical failure patterns and general results were described and discussed. This work will provide an excellent reference to current practice and future exploration.… More