Sustainable Structures
ISSN: 2789-3111 (Print)
ISSN: 2789-312X (Online)
Ownership and management
The ownership and management of Sustainable Structures belongs to Sustainable Development Press Limited (SDPL).
Aim and Scopes
Sustainable Structures
(SUST; Sustain. Struct.) is an open access but free journal without any
publication fees. Sustainable
Structures is committed to open access publishing as a
means to foster the exchange of research among scientists, especially across
disciplines. The purpose of the journal is to provide a platform for academic
exchange, and to promote the research of green, low-carbon and sustainable
development of structural engineering.
SUST is an
interdisciplinary journal publishing original research covering all aspects of science
and technology concerned with sustainable structures. The scope of the journal is devoted to
reports of new and original experimental and theoretical research as well as
the sustainable applications in the areas of structural engineering. Journal publications include mainly as following: Reviews, Research Papers, Technical notes, Meeting
Reports, and Case Reports.
The journal will cover, but is not limited to,
the following topics:
• Bamboo structures
• Timber structures
• Other bio-based materials and structures
• Sustainable steel structures
• Sustainable concrete structures
• Sustainable masonry structures
• Sustainable composite structures
• Sustainable design and operation
• Sustainable construction and structural materials
Manuscripts about materials, structures, and
other applications to non-sustainable structures are unfortunately outside
the scope of this journal. Please do not resubmit a rejected manuscript (unless
the Editors have invited you to resubmit) as it will not be considered and will
be rejected without review.
Editorial Office:
Techmical Issues:
Journal website: (