Experimental evaluation on the axial crushing performance of BFRP-bamboo winding composite hollow components
  • Haitao Li*, Wenjing Zhou, Bingyu Jiang, Xinqi Shen, Rodolfo Lorenzo, Mahmud Ashraf.
Sustainable Structures   Vol.4,No.2,2024  DOI:10.54113/j.sust.2024.000053  Online published:2024-9-7
In order to study the quasi-static axial crushing performance of BFRP-bamboo winding composite hollow components, considering the cloth ratio of BFRP (0%~14.68%) the number of BFRP layers (0 layer~4 layers) as an influencing factor, 20 tube specimens were designed for quasi-static compression tests. In this paper, the failure modes of the specimens under quasi-static axial compressive load are presented with the relevant load-displacement curves. The deformation types were carefully studied to evaluate the compressive crushing indicators of the specimens. The test results showed that when the cloth ratio of BFRP increased from 0 to 14.68%, the specific energy absorption (SEA), the mean crushing force (MCF) and the crushing load efficiency (CFE) increased to some extent, whilst the initial peak crushing force (PCF) did not show any trend. When compared with those of the bamboo winding hollow components (BT), the SEA, MCF and CFE of BFRP-bamboo winding composite hollow components with four layers of BFRP winding outside of BT (BBT4) increased by 87.53%, 194.37% and 255.59% respectively. Compared with other composite hollow components such as composite wrapped hollow components (CWT) and carbon reinforced composite hollow components (CRCT), BFRP-bamboo winding composite hollow components (BBT) showed superior crushing resistance while offering the advantages of light weight.
Bamboo winding composite materials; hollow components; energy absorption; failure analysis